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Try the Scandinavian Sleep Method

What environment is the best for sleep? I don't know about you, but whenever I travel alone, (which is not often), I sleep better than I do at home. I set the air temperature cool but not cold, close the blackout curtains, put in my earplugs, and given there is no fire alarm or other interruptions, I sleep like a baby.

One of the most important differences is that my husband is not sleeping next to me. I love him dearly, but I'm sure he would say the same thing: one of the biggest sleep interruptions we have is the person sleeping next to you. My husband and I wake each other up during the night by:

  • Snoring (mostly my snoring, I've come to learn)

  • Turning over

  • Different temperature needs

  • Getting out of bed

A few months ago, I read about the Scandinavian sleep method, and decided to try it. We have been using this for about three months now, and my sleep has definitely improved, at least in regard to the items above.

What is The Scandinavian Sleep Method?

A dog on a bed
Kaylee likes separate comforters as well.

In the Scandinavian sleep method, each person has their own comforter. Separate comforters allows each person to regulate their temperature separately; one person can sleep on top of theirs, one person sleep under, and both can still touch hands or feet. One person can roll over without stealing covers from the other. When I have been sick, my husband has even taken his comforter with him into the living room to sleep on the couch without disturbing me.

I bought two identical comforters, but if two people have very different temperature needs, you could use two different comforter thicknesses. You can still buy matching duvet covers to match your decor. When you make the bed, the comforters are placed next to each other overlapping, and a coverlet or bedspread is placed over the top. We have a waterproof blanket for the dogs that we usually put on top of the bed. A king-sized bed is essentially the same size as two twin beds, so two twin comforters fit with a slight overlap. We have a queen-sized bed and there is more overlap, but it still works.

Two comforters are also easier to clean! A twin comforter fits easily in my washing machine, and I don't have to take it to a cleaner or laundromat with a large washer.

Overall, I believe this method has been positive for my sleep quality. I love having my own comforter to turn over in bed as I need without interrupting my husband's sleep. There is one other benefit as well: no more dutch ovens!

If you try the Scandinavian sleep method, let me know how it goes.

Happy sleeping,




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