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The Best Marinara Sauce in Under 20 Minutes

Angel hair pasta with homemade marinara

Ah, marinara sauce! The magical elixir that turns an ordinary plate of pasta into a mouthwatering masterpiece. While store-bought marinara sauce is readily available and convenient, there's something undeniably satisfying about creating your own homemade version. Yes, you can buy a jar of marinara at the store for about $2. But homemade flavor is priceless! I used to buy jarred pasta sauce exclusively, until I learned how to make my own. I didn't realize how easy it was. Even with canned tomatoes it tastes so much better than anything out of a jar. Now unless I'm pressed for time, I put together a quick sauce on the stove while pasta boils, and can still have dinner in 20 minutes.

I love the flexibility making my own marinara sauce gives me to play with flavors and ingredients, transforming it into my personal masterpiece. Want it extra spicy? I'll add some fiery chili flakes. Craving a hint of sweetness? A dash of honey or a pinch of sugar will do the trick. The possibilities are endless.

Making my own sauce also gives me full control over the quality and taste. Say goodbye to the mysterious additives and preservatives found in store-bought varieties. With homemade sauce, the genuine flavors and freshness burst through with every bite.

Don't forget the smell! Homemade marinara fills my kitchen with an irresistible aroma that transports me straight to an Italy. The enticing scent of simmering tomatoes, garlic, and herbs wafting through the air is enough to make even my picky husband look forward to dinner.

Imagine inviting friends or family over for dinner and casually mentioning, "Oh, by the way, I whipped up this heavenly marinara sauce from scratch." Cue the applause and impressed nods. Making my own sauce has never failed to impress. (Even though it's easy!)

Do I still buy pre-made marinara sauce? Sure. I usually have a jar or two in the pantry. But I use those for more complicated recipes where the extra 20 minutes for a sauce would be too much, or, when I need a "dump" meal with little to no effort. But when I make sauce, it's usually a big batch, and I can save some in the freezer for another meal. So I get the benefit of freshly made sauce and convenience!

If you haven't made your own sauce yet, I urge you to give it a try. Start with my recipe, and then make it your own. Happy Cooking!

- Annabelle



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