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A Taxonomy of Sports of the 2024 Summer Olympics

Categorizing is what I do for my day job, and I couldn't help but make a visual categorization of all the sports in the upcoming olympics. It helps me to get my head around all of them, and it might help you, too.

I broke the sports into four categories: Racing, Skill, Team, and One-on-one.

"Racing" includes track, swimming, cycling, and other sports where individuals are racing against other individuals for time. "Team" includes all the team sports. "One-on-One" includes those sports where people compete against one other person, although I know that in some racquet/paddle sports, people compete in doubles. The other sports I put in a category called "Skill," for lack of a better name. These include gymnastics, field sports (shotput, javelin, etc.), and all the more artistic competitions.

I didn't put every event: "Swimming" includes all swimming events of all lengths, for example, as "Gymnastics" includes all the different apparatuses.

The only sport I wasn't sure where to put was the Trampoline. I haven't seen it before, so I put it under "artistic," although that might change.



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